
While the best way to ensure your rights are respected is filing an application with the LTB, there may be emergency situations (violence, assault, power cut, etc.) where one needs to appeal to organizations empowered to resolve such situations. I will detail here my interactions with these organizations.

electricity bill crop

You can find the above the Toronto Hydro bill (also at http://go.zodian.net/balmoralTH), showing the account to be up to date and paid in full. The main issue reported to Ministry of Housing Affairs Investigation and Enforcement Unit and Toronto Property Standards was the illegal power interruption. I had access to the power bill because Francois Deribere-Desgardes himself asked me to open the letter addressed to him. I changed a bit the contrast and brightness and adjusted the original photo of the bill so that it is more easily readable and when printed out does not use up an entire toner cartridge. In terms of privacy, this should not pose any problems as Francois Deribere-Desgardes has terminated the tenancy, no longer lives in Ontario and told me he's going back to France.

The end result was that my Hydro (i.e., electricity, power) was disconnected for a week.